Farm Contractors’ Shed

Constructed in 1971 by Old Gippstown from materials on site, this large shed includes a variety of farm equipment including the massive Clayton & Shuttleworth thresher from Hazlewood, a Sunshine Harvester, wool presses, bean threshers, chaff cutters, corn grinders, hay baler, ploughs, seed drills, spreaders and threshers.

Next to this shed is the Horseworks display. A primary drive unit worked by one or more horses and used to power some of the many mechanical devices on the farm. These included winnowers, threshers, pumps and chaff cutters. Behind the Horseworks, along the side fence, is a collection of Stationary Engines on display.

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Old Gippstown Buildings:

Camera Display

Camera Display

A comprehensive collection of photographic equipment in showcases is housed in this room, including artefacts...

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Solicitor’s Office

Solicitor’s Office

A small, rectangular, timber office, with a corrugated iron roof and pressed metal hoods over the front door and...

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